Uxterm tried unseccessfully to use locale
Uxterm tried unseccessfully to use locale

This option indicates that newlines should be cut in line-mode selections. It sets the cutNewline resource to " false". This option indicates that newlines should not be cut in line-mode selections. This is the same as the vt100 resource colorMode. This option enables recognition of ANSI color-change escape sequences. It sets the colorMode resource to " false". This option disables recognition of ANSI color-change escape sequences. Normally it is " XTerm", but can be set to another class such as " UXTerm" to override selected resources. This option allows you to override xterm's resource class. It also should be turned on when you specify a TrueType CJK double-width (bi-width/monospace) font either with -fa at the command line or faceName resource. This may be useful for some legacy CJK text terminal-based programs assuming box drawings and others to have a column width of 2. Otherwise, they have a column width of 1. When turned on, characters with East Asian Ambiguous (A) category in UTR 11 have a column width of 2. See the section specifying character classes, and discussion of the charClass resource. This sets classes indicated by the given ranges for using in selecting by words. Set the vt100 resource cutToBeginningOfLine to " true". Set the vt100 resource cutToBeginningOfLine to " false". Set the vt100 resource colorBDMode to " true", enabling the display of characters with bold attribute as color rather than bold. Set the vt100 resource colorBDMode to " false", disabling the display of characters with bold attribute as color. Set the amount of time text cursor is on when blinking via the cursorOffTime resource. Set the amount of time text cursor is off when blinking via the cursorOffTime resource. That is the vt100 internalBorder resource. This option specifies the size of the inner border (the distance between the outer edge of the characters and the window border) in pixels. This option indicates that auto-wraparound should not be allowed.

uxterm tried unseccessfully to use locale

This allows the cursor to automatically wrap to the beginning of the next line when it is at the rightmost position of a line and text is output. This option indicates that auto-wraparound should be allowed. This is equivalent to setting the vt100 resource activeIcon to " true".

uxterm tried unseccessfully to use locale

This option enables active icon support if that feature was compiled into xterm. This is equivalent to setting the vt100 resource activeIcon to " false". This option disables active icon support if that feature was compiled into xterm. This option indicates that xterm should do text cursor highlighting based on focus. By default, xterm displays a hollow text cursor whenever the focus is lost or the pointer leaves the window. This option indicates that xterm should always highlight the text cursor. This option causes the DECCOLM escape sequence to be recognized, and the xterm window will resize appropriately.

uxterm tried unseccessfully to use locale

Normally, the VT102 DECCOLM escape sequence that switches between 80 and 132 column mode is ignored. Print the version information for xterm, and exit. If no shell is specified, and the SHELL environment variable is undefined, xterm uses the Bourne Shell, /bin/sh. This pathname can be an absolute path or a relative path, and xterm will search the user's PATH environment variable for the specified shell if it cannot find it. This shell can be changed, however, by providing a parameter to xterm, after all other options, which specifies the pathname of a shell to run. When xterm runs, it normally checks the SHELL environment variable for which shell to run. The -version and -help options are interpreted even if xterm cannot open a display, and along with the -class option, are checked before all other options. If an option begins with a " +" instead of a " -", the option is restored to its default value. Originally written in 1984 for the DEC VAXStation as a stand-alone program, xterm was quickly integrated into X, and today most X terminal emulators are variations of the original xterm code. Several instances of xterm can run at the same time within the same display, each one providing input and output for a shell or another process. Xterm is the standard terminal emulator of the X Window System, providing a command-line interface within a window.

Uxterm tried unseccessfully to use locale